The Dynamind Course
by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

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This course features the amazing Dynamind Technique developed by Dr. Serge Kahili King for the relief of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms of discomfort and disfunction. The Dynamind Technique (DMT) can be easily learned and applied by oneself or under the guidance of a Certified Dynamind Practitioner or other facilitator who is familiar with the technique. The video is from a live workshop in which you can see real demonstrations of the technique. The book explains the technique in detail and provides a multitude of case studies related to many different problems. The booklet is a handy way to introduce people to the technique in a practical, condensed format. The document is a scientific study that compares DMT to other techniques and summarizes specific results.

To understand and apply the Dynamind Technique for yourself and others.

Materials you will receive:

  • One video workshop: "The Dynamind Technique" (two hours)
  • One PDF book: "Healing For The Millions"
  • One PDF booklet: "Help Yourself With Dynamind" (for sharing)
  • One PDF document: "Empirical Evaluation of the Dynamind Technique"
  • Email consulting for questions regarding the use of the technique (