Love & Relationships Course
by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

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Tools and Techniques for Healing and Enhancing
All Your Relationships

From the book, Healing Relationships: "What's really amazing is that so many people do figure out how to get along all by themselves, without any help. What's so sad is that so many people don't know how to do it, for whatever reason. Leaving out the people who just don't want to get along with others, I think that everyone who wants to get along can do so, because I believe that, fundamentally, everyone does want to get alone. I also believe that all it takes is some simple knowledge of what to do, and how to do it."

To learn concepts and techniques that will enable you to heal and enhance your relationships with yourself, with your family and friends, and with the rest of the world.

Materials you will receive (all by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.)

  • One video workshop: "Healing Relationships"
  • One audio workshop: "The Spirit of Love"
  • One audio class: "The Art of Forgiveness"
  • One audio class: "Dealing With Criticism"
  • One audio class: "Love and Be Loved"
  • One audio Huna Talk: "Love & Friendship"
  • One PDF booklet: "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha"

All audio will be MP3 format in one Zip file download.

Note: The book Happy Me, Happy You by Serge Kahili King is highly recommended as a supplement to this course.

Additional assistance will be provided by email upon request.