Please Email to order THE ESSENCE OF HUNA and THE UNLIMITED SOURCE, by SERGE KAHILI KING $19.95 about 2 hours in 2 MP3 files downloadable in 1 Zip file.

Getting to the core of the philosophy and how to connect to the center of it all.

SOMOGRAPHY: BELIEFS IN THE BODY, by SERGE KAHILI KING $19.95 - about 2 hours in 2 MP3 files downloadable in 1 Zip file.

Exploring body symptoms and their relation to beliefs, based on the book Imagineering For Health. Includes a bonus talk on "Happiness and Your Body."

WORKING WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF, by SERGE KAHILI KING $12.00 - over 1 hour in 1 MP3 file downloadable in 1 Zip file.

Recorded live from a class given at Aloha International's Pali Uli Region in Second Life, this presentation includes explanations, discussions, and experiences.