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IMAGINEERING FOR HEALTH: The New Millenium Edition, by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D. $12.00, 175 pp trade paperback; $5.99 Kindle version; $5.99 PDF version; $7.99 Audiobook version (MP3 direct download).

This book teaches you how to create a state of health in yourself by using your own spiritual, mental and emotional resources.

Included are how your body mirrors your relationships, how beliefs become symptoms, and a wealth of valuable healing techniques. This "New Millenium Edition" also has new stories, new techniques, and comments by Dr. King.

The Audiobook version was recorded by Stewart Blackburn, an Alakai of Huna International.

"As an alternative to the drug ritual, King offers a highly readable and instructive manual in self-healing." - Nutrition Health Review
"This is a gem of a book, undogmatic, unpretentious, and a good read to boot." - The Library Journal